In Loving Memory
Tommy (Pops) Henry Sr.
Cardinal Wind Chime
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Please note: Each bouquet is uniquely crafted by a local florist. Rest assured, our local florists take pride in their work and any substitutions will be made with flowers of equal or greater value.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a flower & plant shortage. Substitutions of equal or greater value may be necessary to complete your order.


Let Tommy's family know that you are thinking of them.

This cylinder chime is a beautiful accent for any occasion. The chime measures 36" and has a lower bell sound rather than the tinkling of traditional wind chimes. The chime is printed with a beautiful poem that reads "If I should go tomorrow it would never be goodbye. For I have left my heart with you, so don't you ever cry. The love that's deep within me shall reach you from the stars. You'll feel it from the Heavens and it will heal the scars" with printed cardinals. The standard chime will come in a box tied with a bow and the deluxe comes on a black wind chime stand with a bow.

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